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    The ash hopper of single bag dust collector has the characteristics of low noise and high efficiency
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The ash hopper of single bag dust collector has the characteristics of low noise and high efficiency
  • Address:河源市
    • Q Q:lingchuangguolv@163.comQQ online
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  • Info detail
 单机除尘器将含尘气体从进口或直接从箱体的下端进入滤袋过滤,粉尘被覆盖在滤袋的外表面,清洁通过滤袋由风机出口排出,运行时间 增长粉尘增加,阻力上升,当压力计测得阻力大于或等于0.8Pa,就必须清灰,以使除尘布袋恢复阻力,继续进行除尘工作。

单机袋式收尘器分为AB两种型号,A型为带灰斗型和卸灰器 B型不带卸灰器,灰斗既是卸灰器,又是收尘器。AB型通风机按装位置不同,,产品依据各种不同环境的粉尘类型选择合适的型号。

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