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    High price recovery of pure silver conductive paint, jianpan silver paste, circuit board silver paste
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High price recovery of pure silver conductive paint, jianpan silver paste, circuit board silver paste
  • Address:清远市
    • Q Q:www.lb88@163.comQQ online
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    • contacts:宏锦金银钯钌回收
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广东宏锦金银回收有限公司长期专业回收电子元件厂:贵金属电阻材料;贵金属测温材料;贵金属浆料;贵金属薄膜材料;薄膜开关;贴片电阻;贵金属浆料(厚膜微电子元件;银浆;金浆;金膏;铂浆;钯浆;钯银浆;导 电银漆渣;导电银胶;银瓷片;银浆罐;擦银布;镀金边角料;吸金材料;吸金棉;导电金球,陶瓷金膏,废金水,钯银浆,金渣,LED金线,镀金挂具,银膏,银油,电解银,银纤维布,银焊环,银焊条,银线,钯粉,海绵钯,胶体钯,镀金废料)等一切含有金,银,钯,钌贵金属电子元件废料。全国上门服务,诚信交易


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